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I Can't Do That.. Wellness Journey Thoughts

Updated: Apr 18, 2022

When I started hiking, I discovered a limiting belief holding me back. My partner and I encountered a hill with a steep incline when I immediately vocalized, "I can't do that". I hadn't even tried. The voice in my head replayed like a broken record for the millionth time. In that moment I realized "I can't do that" had become my default.

Almost 3 years later,

I look forward to our weekly hikes. Hiking and yoga have taught me how to embrace challenges as they come. I am constantly learning how to go deep inside myself and feel secure when I encounter a perceived threat.

In fact, one study found that people who practiced yoga could keep their hands in ice water for twice the time of non-yogis. The yogis did not distract themselves from the pain. Instead, they actually leaned into the sensation by finding ways to refocus the discomfort - the essence of resilience.

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